
Ok, so technically 39 weeks is tomorrow, but frankly, I'm rounding!

Of course, there's only so much you can write about the life of an unborn baby...and the nursery is done (yes, I will still post photos of the complete room!)  About two weeks ago, we did meet with a pediatrician, so the baby is set with a doctor.

During week 37, I once again failed a blood pressure test.  Luckily for me, we have a baby class following each appointment and the midwife allowed me to "retest" after class.  By then, my bp had dropped 8 points, so I was back in the clear!  Phew!!

Week 38 our appointment was on Monday morning.  At that appointment, my bp was the lowest it's been my entire pregnancy.  Once again, this supports my theory that my bp is only high because I'm running around in the heat after work like a mad person, making dinner, and trying to make it to our appointment on time!  Anyway, at the appointment, the LPN was impressed by how much the baby was moving.  She thought she had irritated him by her palpations, but when I told her he'd been moving that much since I'd woken up this morning, she was impressed that I ever sleep at all.  It was rather fun because you could hear all his kicks on the dopplar.

Otherwise, all is well.  Like I said, everything is ready.  Nursery is ready.  Car seat is in the car.  Bag is packed.  Only two more days of work.   Now we just wait....

Until then, here's a quick baby shower photos!

Until next time, don't forget to place your bets in the baby pool:  Who knows, maybe there will be a prize?!?

...But Baby it's HOT Outside!

Yes, it's definitely a hot summer!  Record temperatures have been recorded more than once, including during the end of June when this photo was taken.  I felt a bit silly photographing my speedometer, but someday when I am telling my pregnancy story and mention that it was a record hot summer, I don't want my tale to be interpreted as a fish story.  Hence, I needed photographic proof!

Today a woman at the mall said that it's a shame that you can't plan when a child is born, but that she thought if you could, no one would be born in the summer time.  My reply?  "Actually, we were shooting for August."  *Insert confused woman's expression here* followed by "Oh!?!"  August...am I nuts?  Well, honestly, August traditionally ends a slower time at work (of course, not this year)...but at the time, it seemed the most "convenient."  It's not that crazy...Also, it means we'll have a whole fall to enjoy outside as a new family (we've got fairs to attend!).  Not to mention I don't have to worry about bundling up an infant. :)

I will say I absolutely do mind the heat.  I've been told that I've become a human barometer.  Typically if I have a "bad day" it's almost guaranteed to be over 90 degrees outside (regardless of the fact that our house has amazing air conditioning).  Sure, dealing with the summer time is the pits, but there are some benefits to trudging though the heat.  I dealt with first trimester nauseousness and sleepiness during the winter when we traditionally stay inside and face the winter blues anyway.  I also never had to worry about things like maternity jackets.  I've found a new appreciation for skirts.  There's no way I can tolerate even light weight pants at work.  It's all skirts all the time.  I live in flip flops (and as Angie will tell you, I have decided to even wear them to work, and yes, they match my outfit).  Not only are they comphy, but I don't have to be reminded each and every morning that it is indeed difficult to reach my feet.

I've also found a few other ways to cope.  A clip-on fan at my desk at work has been invaluable.  Eight hours without it would be almost impossible!  I've also been addicted to iced coffees (Dunkin Donuts decaf with hazelnut flavoring....mmmm!)  and iced or frozen Chai.  Thank goodness they recently put a Dunkin conveniently on my morning commute.  Not to mention, the fresh produce.  I can easily eat over a quart of fruit each day.  At least it's better than spending my days eating cake!

No matter how you slice it, there's only a few weeks to go!

About time for an update

I've been slacking a bit on these updates.  Things are going smoothly.  Baby has been growing, growing, growing, and as of Monday, is officially full term!  He's still really weighted to my right side.  Last Wednesday (July 7th), his back was pressed so firmly against my stomach that you could clearly see him breathing (a fact that was verified by the doctor I saw the next day).  He's still constantly on the move too.  I don't know if he does his napping at night, but in my experience, babies sleeping for 90minute intervals is a joke.  He's quite the mover!

I'm still feeling pretty well too.  At work we're doing a "fitness challenge," and although I'm limited in what I can do, I think it's making quite a difference.  Specifically, I think its keeping my back and hip pain under control (leading to better sleep at night).  Definitely worth the effort!

My first baby study phone call was two weeks ago.  It lasted about a half hour, and was mainly about my general health and lifestyle before and during the pregnancy.  Of course, answering questions is quite easy, and about a week later my $20 Target gift card arrived in the mail.  :)  My next survey will be in September.

Bringing the Theme Together

Sometimes you find exactly what you didn't know you were looking for, when you weren't looking for it.  I stumbled upon this gentle giraffe when I was shopping the clearance section at Babies R Us.  He was only $9 (and again, if you have priced these wall stickers, you know that's a fantastic deal), and I knew he would fit right into the nursery...but where?   Turns out, there was a special space for him right behind the door.  I know, it's a shame to tuck him back there, but he's pretty tall, and he needed somewhere that he didn't appear to be floating in mid air.  He fit perfectly in the available space, and best of all, he is artwork that won't be bothered by the swinging door.   All in all, I'm super happy with the way he turned out! The theme is significantly better executed on the other side of the room, and he's really helping pull it together throughout the space. (PS- Check out Murphy the sock monkey and his banana car sneaking his way into the photo!  He was a gift from one of Charlie's co-workers, and we love him!)

As I've mentioned before, I'm a huge fan of these wall stickers.  What I will say however, is that if you've never placed one of these  larger stickers before, be prepared to exhaust some time and patience.  It comes in medium sized pieces, like a puzzle.  It took awhile to get everything together and straight (and without air bubbles).  Luckily, as advertised, they do peel right off, and hence can be moved around freely until you get it right.  I tried to not actually rub each sticker down well until I was sure it had reached its final destination.  Still, I find it well worth the effort, and significantly easier than painting a mural on the wall (not to mention, less permanent, and relocatable), even for an art major.  Oh, and did I mention less messy?

Also on my list of clearance finds was this great changing pad cover and basket lined with animal printed fabric (it's all the from the baby collection as the giraffe) that I'm going to use for wipes and diapers.

I also picked up an "extra" pack and play for $25 that I'm going to keep in the truck of the car.  Never know when you may be out and about and need one...or at least save the need to fold down the one in the house to pack in the car!  Not to mention, when do you find a good pack and play for that price?

Stay tuned...someday I'll post photos of the whole nursery put together...Just need to get it there....

The Home Stretch

Tomorrow officially begins month 9.  Crazy right?  In one week, the baby will officially be considered full term.  We're in the home stretch now!  So what's been happening in the world of baby?  Well, baby still looks great.  Last week he had a major growth spurt and is now back to measuring average size.  My blood pressure has gone back to "normal."  Phew!!  In the last week I've also begun to experience (and see) pointy baby elbows.  He's really figured out how to throw them around!

In my world, I'm finally feeling more prepared as I finish getting the nursery ready.  Last weekend, I was also treated to a surprise prenatal massage by Julie, Liz and Karen for my 30th birthday.  What a great time, and a great relief from those pesky pregnancy aches and pains.  Here's a photo we took en route to lunch.  Of course, the baby is hamming it up already!

Showers of Love

We've been so fortunate to have such great family and friends shower our baby with warm wishes and generosity.

I was wondering to myself how difficult it would be to start a family without such a tradition as a baby shower.  So, I took to the web and did some "research."  Ancient civilizations such as Roman, Indian, Chinese, and Egyptian were thought to have had their own version of a shower.  The family would throw a celebration feast in honor of the new baby, and in exchange for the feast, guests would bring handmade gifts (blankets, clothing, etc).  The baby shower as we know it started during the baby boom of World War II.  At that time, the shower was typically held after the birth of the baby.  Of course, it has since evolved into occurring before the birth of the baby.

That being said, we're very thankful for everyone's thoughtfulness in helping us get started properly!!  What a blessing.

Of course, after all great showers, there is aftermath.  Items to assemble, clothing to sort and wash, toys to put away.  Here's a photo of the official "sorting of the cloths."