Guess What I Did Today

Yup, that's me!

Today was a pretty normal day.  I got up a little earlier than usual, and went to visit Daddy for lunch.  I did some napping and lots of snuggling with Mommy.  After Daddy got home from work we went to the Lampeter Strausburg fair.  It's just a small local fair.  No rides....just food made by the school district organizations and FHA kinds of agriculture events.  My eyes were so wide while I took in all the fun and fresh air around me.  Luckily, we got back to the car just in time to avoid the storm.  I slept in the car on the way home.  As soon as we got home, Daddy tried to change my diaper.  He laid me down on the changing pad on the floor and as he was getting the diaper ready, I rolled over on my side all by myself!  Mommy has been trying to teach me how to roll for over a week now, and this time, I did it by myself.  Sure, you can call it a fluke, but I did it two more times after my diaper was changed and I was lying on my blanket.  I was so happy and smiling, and Mommy and Daddy were proud and clapped for me.  One time I even somehow ended up on my tummy.  The whole rest of the night I was so distracted.  All I wanted to do was roll over more.  I couldn't stop swinging my legs, and was way too wound up to sleep.  Finally, Mommy and Daddy told me that I had to go to sleep, but that we could work some more tomorrow.  Every time I fall asleep, I wake up a good bit later and get back to work.  Hopefully I wear myself out soon, and finally settle down for a good night's sleep!  Can't wait for tomorrow!  --Ethan

Next Stop, the MOMA

Ok, so maybe not the MOMA per say, but after only a few days of life, Ethan had completed his first piece of modern art.  I failed to record the exact date, but somewhere in Ethan's first week we created his masterpiece.

I admit, I stole the idea.  You can buy these kits (I'll link to an example at the end of the post) where you can make these handprint sets.  Great idea, although I saw a few flaws with buying the kit.  First, they're a little bit pricey.  Second, I wasn't thrilled with the color selection.  I'll say it--they just didn't match!  Lastly, I wanted to be able to have the control of the original paint so I could fix any terrible mistakes (control freak?), or could repaint the whole square and "redo" if necessary.  (Luckily, I didn't need a redo)

Instead, I bought the 4x4 canvases at Dick Blick online.  They came in a pack of six for $6.99.  The only problem is that the S&H was the same cost.  UGH!  Anyway, we're still saving some bucks (not only are the kits expensive, but the craft stores wanted much much more for similar canvases).  I painted the squares initially before B.E. (before Ethan) using basic acrylic craft paint.  After he was born, I used the same non-toxic paint  and used a cotton pad (or use a cotton ball) to spread on the paint.  I laid him down on an old towel and got to work.  Of course, I did one limb at a time, and made sure to stamp them on quick!  I had a baby wipe in hand to wipe him clean right away.  I actually did both the feet at one time, and both hands later (his attention span for such an ordeal was quite short!)  After the squares were dried, I touched them up.  I painted over smears with the background paint (again why I wanted to paint them myself!).  I also went in with a very fine dry brush and actually touched up in the feet with both the off-white and the background paints.  I was very careful not to paint over the skin crevices, only to touch up smears, or to fill in places where the paint was too light.  Of course, they're not without flaw, but that's part of their charm.

Anyway, I think they're a great way to capture Ethan, and of course, could be done at any time in a child's life.  They look super cute in his room too, don't you think?


Why the heck not?!?
I am not only part of the first time mother's baby study, but also am going to be a baby product tester.  The product is in its final phases of production and I will be one of fifteen to test it before it goes out on the market.  I can't wait for my product to arrive so I can begin the review process!  The rest of the story is confidential...shhhhhhh!

Kudos Toys R Us!
Toys R Us has amazing customer service.  After being so irritated by Michael's poor service (both in the store and by their corporate office--Yup, I'm still not over it--), I am pleased to report that Toys R Us has not lost sight of what's important.  I had an issue where my rewards card where it could never be found in the register system, and when I went to sign up online, I was told the card was invalid.  Of course, I've made countless purchases there over the last few months for Mr. Ethan at Babies R Us, and should have accrued my share of rewards dollars.  I had yet to see any of those rewards.  I called Customer Service, and they found out that my card had been duly registered with another customer.  Whoops!!  They figured that in the history of the card, $25 should have been rewarded, so they righted their wrong and sent me and the other customer $25 gift cards, no questions asked.  Super.  Well, about a week later, I recieved a phone call from the head of the rewards program asking for more information about the mix up.  I happily assisted them with any questions I could answer to help them ensure they didn't make the same mistake again.  When the call was finished, the very nice service rep. told me that she was sending me another $25 gift card for my help and patience.  I've already received the first gift card, and it came with a very nice, well formulated, personalized letter.  What a great way to handle a customer.  Cheers to you Toys R Us!

The Diaper Race
We joke that with every diaper change that the dirty diaper just cost us 30 cents (approximate when you figure in discounts and sales).  I decided yesterday that Ethan is working so vigorously on using diapers because he wants to earn enough rewards points with Pampers to earn that little red wagon (or maybe a toddler bike) he has his eye on.  That wagon is pretty cool....I don't blame him!  Keep up the good work kid!

Still Can't Get Enough...
One more note about Ethan's wonderful Fisher Price Rocker Chair.  This weekend we attached the overhead toy bar.  He loves it.  The toys rattle, shake and swing.  He just sits and stares at them.  Last night it kept his attention for a full half hour.  Nothing keeps his attention that long!  It also seems that over the course of the weekend, he has figured out that if he kicks his legs feverishly that he can make the toys swing.  He also bats at them quite a bit.  Way to work on your baby skills Ethan!

We made our way this weekend to the Lancaster Liederkrantz Oktoberfest.  We go every year...mainly for the incredible potato salad (which tastes awesome, and even better made into an omelet in the morning)!  Plus, they always have Spaten on tap.  :)  Ethan got to meet a baby dressed in lederhosen and listen to some traditional folk tunes.  Mostly, he just enjoyed spending some time outside on the blanket with his mommy and daddy.

Ethan "drinking" at Oktoberfest.

Awwww :)  I promise those hats will fit one day Ethan!

Look What My Kid Can Do!

Sunday afternoon we were getting ready to watch the first Steelers game of the season.  Well, there was a bit of a dinner catastrophe, so as the coin was being flipped, I was running to the drug store for a box of mac and cheese.  Charlie and Ethan stayed home, and when I got back, Charlie said he was sure that he saw Ethan really smile. Guess what?  He did!!   Monday morning Ethan was making all sorts of new squeaks and noises.  I'm not sure he knew exactly how to use his new voice, but he definitely wanted to be heard.  I put him down in his crib for a few moments deciding to try and distract him with the mobile (a trick that has never worked in the past).  The second I turned the mobile on, I had to run downstairs for the camera (hence I apologize for the quality issues!)!

Today was the first time where Ethan sat for a good amount of time just smiling, laughing and making happy noises.  Not only were there more smiles, but there was significantly more new noises.  What a rewarding a fun way to start off the day!  EEEEeeeeeee!!!

"The Chair"

I'm typing with a baby in a sling, and a lap top on my lap.  Thank goodness for some quality baby products that make life with newborn that much easier!  There are some great tools out there right now!

"I'm going to put Ethan in 'the chair'" are words that are heard over and over again in our house.  Sometimes I feel bad.  "The chair"  It sounds like a punishment.  Luckily, he loves it!  I have to say, one of the biggest lifesavers we have is our Fisher-Price Rocker.  I can't say enough good things about it.  It's one of our many tricks up our sleeves to put Ethan to sleep.  Sure, it doesn't always work, but it works more often than not.  Sometimes, it's just good to calm fussing, or to hold him contently while I get ready in the morning, or while we eat dinner.  It's a nice safe place for him to nap without worry.  Of course, there are millions of baby swings and bouncers out there, so why is this one so great?

Well, this is my humble rocker review.  The first thing that attracted me to this particular rocker was that it can be used on a newborn, sits up with a toy bar for infants, and converts into a rocking chair for toddlers up to 40 lbs.  Typically swing weights max out way before 40 lbs, making this rocker useful much longer.  The rocker vibrates to soothe baby, but we will often rock Ethan with our foot while we are sitting at the computer or on the sofa.  And if that wasn't enough, it folds up to be more compact for storage or travel, making it great to bring along on trips to the grandparent's house.  Regardless of what Charlie or I think, Ethan loves it, and I think that we'd all be lost without it! (Not to mention, it is very cool that it is decorated with frogs and lizards!)

Well Baby

This morning was Ethan's one month well baby check-up.  The doctor said he's looking really good!  (Of course, we already knew that!)  He weighed in at 10 lbs 6.1oz (75th percentile), is 22 3/4 in long (50th percentile) and his head circumference is 37.7 (25th percentile--sorry kiddo, looks like you may have issues with hats just like Mommy--maybe that's why none of your hats fit yet!)

As for me, I'm doing really well.  Some of my steri-strips are starting to fall off my incision!!  (Yes!  The end of drying them with the blow dryer is near!)  I'm feeling less and less issue with mobility (to the point were sometimes I have to really remind myself to be careful).  I can walk much further than I could before, even with Ethan in a front carrier (gotta get trained for the fair season!).  I'm taking the stairs as needed, but I try and minimize useless trips.  I'm having a hard time with clothing and hope that passes soon!  Next week is my appointment with the doctor who performed the surgery for what should be my final checkup.  My story for the week is that I escaped on my own while Charlie watched Ethan for a quick trip to Old Navy.  I got a few things for me, and a Halloween pumpkin onesie for the kiddo.  When I got to the checkout the girl says to me "Are you having your baby before Halloween?"  Well, I think you look like you're twelve.

Of course, football season started last night.  The first Steelers game is on Sunday, and Ethan is already getting ready!

Mommy's Football All-Star.  How adorable is that sweatshirt?!  Gotta love Carter's!
What a little peanut!
Mom, are you done with these photos yet or what?

One Month!!

I can't believe that Ethan is one month old already!!  I don't know what happened to the baby we brought home from the hospital, but this baby is really showing signs of settling in.  So long are the days of newborn clothing.  We've now graduated to 0-3 month sizes.  Goodbye newborn diapers.  Focusing on faces is fun, and sometimes we like to play follow the jangling of a bell toy.  Ethan still loves going out of the house, and especially loves the fresh air and watching the leaves blow in the breeze.  He his interested in music, and often finds it calming.  He still loves his Lamby, sitting in the Bobby pillow, and sleeping in his special vibrating chair.  He becoming quite the Momma's boy and is getting very cuddly. Everybody says he looks more and more like Daddy every day. Sometimes we nap during the day now (if only Mommy could learn to better utilize that time), and we're sleeping longer at night.  Bedtime is less of a struggle, and more of a quite routine.  Although Ethan is still a bit hesitant about bath time, he sits through it contently, and is starting to enjoy the splashes of water.  He's never more delightful and relaxed than after he's had a bath.  I wish I could bathe him all the time!  These photos are from Ethan's one month birthday!!!

Focusing so intently on that hand....
He always chews on his arm like that.  This week he actually bruised it in the process!

What else happened during week 4?
Spent lots of quality time with Mommy
Hiked the Rail Trail at Mt Gretna for a Labor Day weekend afternoon retreat
Got ice cream at Gretna, and Ethan spent his time mesmerized by the leaves.

Ethan Railroad

One of my favorite projects I did for the nursery was Ethan's train.  Ultimately, it was an easy project that I made way too complicated!  It took me days to complete, but it was totally worth it.  The train pieces are easy enough to find.  The local craft store has them for less than $2 per letter.  Then it just comes down to paint.  In true fashion of the nursery, I had to go all out with a jungle themed paint job.  I did a Google image search for animal prints as a reference, and with some acrylic paint, a brush, and a little patience, the train was transformed.  It ended up that it was a great third trimester project for me to keep occupied without being out and about.  Of course, the bummer was that because we weren't giving away Ethan's name, I couldn't show off the train that I was so excited about!  When the train was complete, Ethan's fate had been sealed...his name would certainly be Ethan.  There was no going back now!

Tipping the Scale

Today I decided to try and find out just how much Ethan weighs.  I started by setting him up with his own Mii on the Wii.  Using the Wii Fit, I set him up with his own account, and watched his Mii shrink into a little baby when I entered his date of birth.  Turns out we're up to 9.5 lbs!! What a big growing boy!  Definitely not the same baby that we brought home from the hospital three and a half weeks ago!  I'm really curious to measure him too, but that's a project for another day...

Today the two of us went to the mall to get Ethan some new pajamas.  Ethan willing, I think we just may start going though all his clothing tomorrow....
I also got brave and stepped on the scale myself today.  They say that if you're carrying a boy you gain more weight through out your pregnancy.  Despite keeping up a moderate activity level most of my pregnancy, I gained 44 lbs!  Compare that to the average weight gain for pregnancy being 25-30 lbs.  Regardless, today I was delighted to see I have already dropped 26 of those pesky lbs!  That leaves 18 lbs to go...17 of which I have dropped before.  Guess those walks in the park are doing more than just calming a fussy baby!