Curious Little Monkey

One of the first things that people always comment about Ethan is how curious and alert he is.  Often it's followed by "Wow those are long eye lashes." or "Wow, look at him hold up his head!"  In weeks 10 and 11, his great curiosity turned into some great playtime.  Of course, his chair is still a favorite, but he's now also fascinated by his baby gym.  He loves to grab at the toys, and put them in his mouth.  His hands are almost always in his mouth now, or he's grasping one in the other.
The monkey is his favorite!

He loves when we sing "The Wheels on the Bus."  Most times you don't have to sing more than "THEEEEE..." before he starts to laugh. He also likes "If All the Raindrops," especially the "ah ah ah ah" part. His legs are getting really strong, and he loves to be held in a standing position. In fact, he wants to stand all the time!  He can hold himself so well that loosely holding his upper arms to help with balance is all he needs. He is finding his feet, and can be quite enchanted by them- looking and grabbing.  It's also fun to chatter and coo, especially when Mommy or Daddy repeat back in conversation.  He can be quite chatty! Ah-goo!
Playing in the baby gym.  He really enjoys the flat stuffed frog, and he likes to grab the elephant.  Somehow, they both made it to his mouth at the same time!

We've been working on sitting in the Bebe Pod since he was able to bobble his little head.  He does pretty well in it now, and yesterday we added the toy tray to the mix.  It's really hard for him to reach something right in front of him, but you can see the concentration in his eyes... and SUCCESS!

In other news, I start back to work tomorrow.  It's of course a bittersweet transition, but one that still leaves me feeling rather confident.  In the last week, I've been busy getting things together for his days at Grandma and Grandpa Savko's and for his days at home with Momma Liskey.  We got a membership to Costco so we don't go bankrupt on formula for daytime.  We also officially have his daycare lined up.  He starts January 3rd.  The program is great, and I'm actually excited for him.  I think a Learning Center is a great fit for him.  He's a little boy through and active and interested in everything.

They also finished reviewing Ethan's case at the Children's Hospital.  They are still leaning towards his reaction being to the Atypical Pneumonia, however, based on the time frame, they are not ruling out a possible reaction to his DPT immunization.  To be on the safe side, we have a follow up in December with the hospital to be sure that his Pneumonia has cleared and to do a checkup.  There is still a slight chance that the immunizations could be at fault.  Specifically, there are cases in some medical journals of similar outbreaks following DPT.  The next step is that Ethan will receive his next DPT immunization from his local pediatrician on a Monday separate from the rest of his shots.  This way, if there would be a reaction, it would be evident that it was the DPT.

Oh, and the best news yet!  Ethan did his first full "through the night" sleep two nights ago (10pm-7am).  Last night he slept from 9:30pm until 7am, and then went back to sleep from 7:30am until 10am!!  Just in time for me to get a good nights sleep for work!  Good job little dude!!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun-filled Halloween.  Be sure that there will be Halloween photos to follow!

How to Make a Baby Oompa Loompa Costume

I have some fabulous friends, Eric and Dustin, who have a theme Halloween party every year.  This year it was Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Well, of course, I couldn't resist that the little man be a little Oompa Loompa!!  My plan worked perfectly!

The costume came together quite easily.  The pants were from an all white two piece pajama outfit, one size too short!  The long sleeve brown onesie was already in the wardrobe too.  For the overall straps, I used fabric ribbon and cut it to length.  I sewed (more like poorly tacked) Velcro to the inside of the pant waist and to the ribbon.  The self adhesive Velcro would have been better, but I somehow grabbed the wrong pack at the store (I was too busy talking to Ethan at the time).  I used the Velcro so that there were no sharp pieces (like a safety pin) and would be removable so not ruin the pants.  This way they also could be left unassembled until we arrived at the party (so not to risk Ethan getting wrapped up in them).  I was going to make the buttons by cutting circles out of felt and adhering them with Velcro (real buttons would clearly be too dangerous), but then I found button stickers!!!  Possibly not the best solution for a kid old enough to pull them off, but great for Ethan.  What a time saver (not to mention they looked so great)!  The finishing touch was the hat and booties.  I actually had considered the costume complete without them.  I knew I wasn't going to be able to use a wig or anything.  Then two nights before the party it hit me.  We had no green hats so I went online, thinking I might just be willing to pay overnight shipping to make the costume a success.  Low and behold, Target had the perfect hat and booties on clearance!  The catch?  The nearest Target store that had them in stock was West York.  So, the next morning, Ethan and I got in the car and put our hands on that amazing hat!  Had I not found the perfect cap, I planned on finding a white one and dying it green.  Glad I didn't have to go to all the trouble!  Now all we needed was a cute baby...and heck, we had one of those!  (Gotta love having a little boy!)
Not the best photo, but great for seeing the little booties!

The Results are in...Kind-of...

First of all, thanks again to everyone for being so concerned for Ethan and sending so much love our way!  As you may remember, they were working on Ethan's case at the Children's hospital this week.  The specialist called on Friday to give us their latest findings.  First, they were trying to determine if he had hives, or if he had Erythema multiforme.  They were unsure because the rash that he had presented signs of both.  The major determining factor that it was the multiforme is that he was not itchy like hives.  As I said before though, Erythema multiforme is one of those things that has a million causes.  The pediatrician we worked with at the Lancaster General ER said that it basically means "unexplained red rash."  Drug reactions and Hepatitis are the two leading causes of the rash.  Before we left the Children's hospital last week, they had taken blood samples.  All his platelets looked great.  What they did find however is that he had built up an antibody to Atypical Pneumonia (also know as Walking Pneumonia).  Somehow medically they could tell that the antibody was relatively new.  Atypical Pneumonia can cause Erythema multiforme, and is common in young children (although less common in infants).  Although he had no other signs besides his mild fever, it is possible to have the bacterial lung infection without presenting symptoms.  Thinking back, I do remember mentioning the Thursday before when we went to the gardens that he had coughed a few times Wednesday or Thursday (by few I maybe mean 4 times in the whole day), although they didn't seem to me to be anything alarming they seemed like more of a gag than a cough).  Who knows if that's even related.  So the doctor was excited for these particular results.  One reason being that it would mean that we can be less fearful of his next immunizations.  Second, it shows that Ethan has a good healthy immune system.  They are making the decision right now not to treat the Pneumonia.  He seems back to normal, and the benefits of doing nothing outweigh the risks of treatment.  He will have to have blood work done in the near future just to make sure that the infection is gone.  The fellowship is going to review his case together on Wednesday to see if we need to take any further actions concerning the immunizations, and to concluded if in fact the rash was from the Atypical Pneumonia.  So, that's where we stand.  Our little guy is such a trooper. :)

The Latest

Last Friday, we packed Ethan in the car, and headed to the Dupont Children's Hospital in DE.  We were seeing an Allergy Immunologist specialist at one of the country's leading Children's Hospitals to try and determine what exactly happened to Ethan the week before.  We were there for three hours.  The diagnosis?  Well, there still isn't one.  They took more blood, and are reviewing his case study this week as a full team, but it appears as though this one might just remain a mystery.  At this point, we have a follow up appointment in December.  Ethan  however, is doing fine, and is completely back to normal.

What else is happening in the world of Ethan?  Well, he's finding himself much more entertained by his toys and for longer periods of time.  He still loves playing with the toys on his chair.  He likes his baby gym and his mobile.  He still LOVES the bathtub.  We have to be really careful because he hops around so much!  He actually cries when we take him out.

On Sunday, Ethan went with Grandpa and I to see and Ansel Adams, The Early Works, exhibit at Lebanon Valley College.  Ethan wasn't really in the mood to be there, but at least we can refer to him as cultured now! He even wore his special shirt for the occasion!!

Hey, That's my Mommy!

This afternoon Ethan wasn't sure what he wanted to do, so I finally just laid him down on his blanket in the living room and decided I would make some lunch, hoping he'd chill himself out on his own.  First things first, he immediately found the TV.

He must have watched that TV for a good 20 minutes to a half hour.  (I know...great parenting Kristin...)  By now, he was really kicking and moving about, and I decided to take some video.  It's not real exciting video, and it's really rainy today (so its super dark) but it's cute.  He's completely unaware of me until about 20 seconds into the clip.  I know the beginning is boring, but make sure to watch that far....

Hey, that's my mommy!

Paging Dr. House...

All during my pregnancy, Charlie and I spent a good deal of time catching up on House.  We had never watched it before, and so we had a good deal of catching up to do.  We looked forward to Saturday nights when Bravo would run House marathons.  Little did we know that out little man would be presenting us with our own diagnostic mystery.

Friday was Ethan's two month well baby visit.  Our little munchkin had grown quite a bit, weighing in at 12 pounds 12.2 oz and measuring 23.75 inches!  That puts him in the 75 percentile for both height and weight.  Keep growing little dude!  At any rate, he was vaccinated with all the normal two month vaccinations at this appointment.  Friday he had a low grade fever and clearly didn't feel very well.  He just wanted to cuddle, sleep, and had a low grade fever.  He was clearly uncomfortable, but none of these things were too alarming.

Saturday he was fussy all day, but hey, we all have our bad days.  Saturday evening around 7 pm he was fussy almost to the point of being inconsolable...something that is very unlike Ethan.  The only way to calm him was in the bathtub. He was still running a low grade fever, and we noticed a few small red dots on his skin.  They were about the size of small bug bites.  We called the pediatrician.  She said it was most likely a food allergy, and told us to give him Tylenol for his fever.  In the morning the rash was much worse.  We went to the urgent care and the doctor thought the rash appeared to be a virus, but he wasn't ready to rule out a food allergy.  He said to keep Ethan on formula only (to rule out a food allergy) and thought the rash was at it's worst.  We were to just let it run it's course because regardless of the cause of the rash, there wasn't really any medications that would improve things.  He told us to take some photos and see the pediatrician in the morning.
This is how poor Ethan looked when we got home from urgent care.

As bad as this looks, it got MUCH worse!

We went home and Ethan slept with me (after sleeping all morning in my arms) on the couch for three hours (an abnormally long nap, especially for Ethan).  When he woke up, we noticed that not only did he appear worse, but he was getting very swollen.  Almost all of his skin was covered in the rash and it was starting to turn purple. We called the pediatrician right away and she said to head to the ER.  It didn't take very long for them to get us in to be seen (you get pretty fast tracked at 9 weeks old).  All of Ethan's vital signs were perfect.  The ER doctor could identify the rash, but it's one of those things that can be caused by a million different things.  He had blood tests run and chest x-rays done to rule out infections and diseases.  All the tests came back negative.  That's when they called in a pediatric doctor from the pediatric wing of the hospital.  She and the pediatric resident agreed with the diagnosis of the rash, but were also stumped by the cause.  They took some cultures to rule out any other diseases and called an infection control specialist from DuPont Children's hospital. He too was stumped.  Turns out that this particular rash (I never did get the name--it was long and Latin, but basically means "unexplained red rash")  is very very uncommon in children Ethan's age.  Drug reactions are one of the most common causes.  Food allergy had been completely ruled out.  At this point, they were trying to connect the rash to some Ibuprofen that I had taken, even though after my C-section I took large amounts of Ibuprofen without any problems.  They had not ruled out the immunizations, but the chance of a severe reaction to the shots would be 1 in 1 million.  Not very good odds.

We were admitted for the night and Ethan was monitored by EKG and they continued to watch his vital signs.  At this point, he was not treated with any medications for fear of any drugs clouding results.  He was given Tylenol to control his fever and to help keep him comfortable. Ethan was made a cozy little bed by the nurse and Charlie and I slept on a cot and on some pillows.  We hadn't eaten since lunch, so at 12:30 am, Charlie ran out to the house to pick up a few items for us, and stopped and got some horrible burgers at Wendy's for "dinner."  Ethan slept through the rest of the night, and even slept through the nurse flipping him all around to check his vitals (including weight and that uncomfortable baby temperature). By morning, the team of doctors at Lancaster General and DuPont had read journals and done their research. At this point, they had decided that it was not the Ibuprofen to blame at all, but the immunizations were in fact suspected.  Every pediatric doctor in the hospital was by to see Mr. Ethan and work towards his diagnosis.  Lastly, they did a urinalysis for a few last tests, and had no negative results.  The rash looked better by morning, and by late afternoon it was much improved.  Although it had continued to spread, the new patches were much less severe, and the old patches were fading.  Ethan spent most of his hospital stay sleeping.  Luckily, Daddy got the Sleep Sheep on that late night trip home (good thinkin' Mommy)!  It really helped him relax.
Ethan starting to look and feel better!  He's telling Daddy all about it!
If you put the rails all the way up on the crib, Daddy would tell Ethan he was in "Baby Jail"

We were released around 6 pm, about 24 hours after we had arrived at the ER.  At this point, our Ethan was showing signs of his old self again (talking, moving around, not sleeping...).  The staff at the hospital were great.  They definitely did everything they possibly could for our little guy, and we are thankful for their hard work.

So where are we now?  There was still one urine test out last night when we left.  They are looking for proteins that would appear during an allergic reaction.  We should get those results when we see our pediatrician tomorrow.  In the next few weeks we will be off to Delaware to the Children's Hospital to see an Allergist/Immunologist to develop a plan going forward.  Most likely, his next next round of vaccinations will have to be done under the observation of the Immunologist.

Until then--Ethan is feeling (and looking) much better. Today has been a bit rough as we are trying to get back into our routine (and I'm sure Ethan is still feeling a bit lousy).  Thanks everyone for all your kind words and love over the last few days!  Ethan appreciates it.  He truly is one in a million!

Wooo Two!

What day is today?  It's Ethan's two month birthday!  Holy smokes!  Also, Ethan broke 1,000 hits on his blog today (Mommy hits excluded)!!!  Way to go little man!!

This week has been exceptional in the world of Ethan.  I say no more for fear of jinxing myself!!

Today we went to Longwood Gardens with Momma Liskey.  We had a great time!  You couldn't have asked for any nicer weather.  It was perfect, and great for relaxing and spending time outside.

Pretty pretty orchids.
A special Longwood Garden's lily hybrid.  They can grow up to 7ft wide!!!  Holy cow!  The white flower is a first day female flower.  The second day, the flower turns a deep red and becomes a male flower.  Crazy, right?
OH my goodness!  Happy Baby!!

Ethan and Mommy!
Ethan was became totally chill listening to the waterfall behind him.  Gotta love white noise!

Just to reflect a bit on what a difference a month can  make....

Then. (Stacey Brooks, photo)
We love you, baby! :)

Help support the March of Dimes

Just a reminder...if you are able, please donate to the March of Dimes on behalf of Ethan.  He's raising money in their "Beautiful Babies Contest."

Ever dollar counts as one vote.  There is no limit to the number of votes you can cast.  ($25= 25 votes)

Donations can be sent here:
March of Dimes- Beautiful Baby Contest
160 S. Progress Ave Ste 1 C
Harrisburg, PA 17109

Be sure to write #35 in the memo section of your check to ensure that Ethan gets your vote.
Votes can also be dropped off at the baby booth at Capital City Mall, Harrisburg.

Votes must be received by Sunday, October 17th.

Ethan thanks you for helping his baby friends!!!  

Can you believe it??

It's been 8 weeks!!!

So what's going on in Ethan-land?  First, last weekend Ethan made his first trip to the Bloomsburg Fair!!!  He did a great job for such a little kiddo at the fair for over four hours!

And of course, we have watched ourselves more football...

Last week we had some pretty rough growth spurt days.  After 4 days of fussy fussy baby, Ethan was a whole pound heavier, putting him at a grand 12.5lbs and once again too tall for those footie pajamas!  The next day he literally slept ALL day while Mommy ran errands and got stuff done (most notably emptying out my closet for a bit of a wardrobe redo).  Then there was the day of the great flood.  Remember was when Ethan was ruler of his own island for a whole day!

Since then, we make new strides every day.  Ethan still hasn't conquered rolling over to his side, but he does have successful moments!  His head control is greatly improved, his head rarely bobbing forward.  Ethan's gaining control over his hands as well as they make their way into his mouth successfully more and more often.  Night time sleeping continues to improve (hallelujah!)  If we could only learn to nap well (one step at a time)!!

What does Ethan like to do?  He likes to play "get the piggy toes" as Mommy helps him grab his feet.  He lies on his tummy and pushes his feet off Daddy's hands to "scoot" across a blanket.  He likes to be held in a standing position and push with his legs.  He likes to look at our new ceiling fans too!

As for Mommy, I recently had my follow up appointment.  I am now officially "healed" and my physical restrictions are lifted.  First on the agenda??  I went out and got myself some new pants.  You know, the kind that don't have elastic at the waist!  Fabulous!! I still have some minor incision pains, but I can honestly say that I'm finally feeling just about back to "normal."

All in all, we're all enjoying our time together, and having ourselves a lot of fun!

The Tale of Ethan's Island

"Noah, I want you to build me an ark."  "What's an ark?!?" -Bill Cosby

Once upon a time, a dark, cool, and rainy night turned into a steady tropical morning rain.  It rained.  And it rained.  And it rained.  And as it rained, the flood waters rose.  And they rose.  And they rose.  And they rose.  Until finally, by 11am, they had rendered the roadway impassable.  It was then that Ethan realized that floodwaters and the high speed train track had created a real life moat around his castle.  Ethan continued to watch as the tropical storm rains raged on, bringing the waters higher and higher.  Ethan and mommy were stuck at home in their sweats, taking a lazy day in front of the TV when the unthinkable happened...the TV turned off.  The power had gone out.  Fortunately, after and hour and a half, they were back in business.  The rain continued until about 3:30pm, but by then, it was too late.  The waters were too high.  Together we sat, hoping that the rains would recede and Daddy could come home.  It never happened.  At 10pm, Mommy waved at Daddy on the other side of the creek.  Daddy went to a hotel and despite some remaining water, could finally make it home the next morning.  Mommy and Ethan had finished their first night alone together---and they lived to tell the story.