March- In like a baby, out like a teenager

March goes in like a lion, and out like a lamb. Or for a certain 7 month old, March goes in like a baby and out like a teenager!

The biggest news on the scene is Ethan crawling. On March 16th, Ethan made strides by taking a small backwards crawl. On March 21st he could make a few moves forward. On March 22nd, he was speeding across the living room. Besides the fact that it absolutely wears him out, he has this new sense of calm about him. His frustrations are gone. And best of all--he doesn't have to practice all night long! Luckily, I've seen this milestone on the horizon, and have been scrambling to do some baby-proofing (including cleaning up and getting rid of JUNK!) and we're good to go for the time being!

What else is going on?

  • We went straight from crawling to crawling to objects where we can pull up to standing.
  • Ethan started using an infant toothbrush and toothpaste for his new pearly whites (no more washcloth brushing for Ethan!) He thinks it's funny cause we make noises while we brush...not to mention, he likes the flavor! Here's to good habits!
  • Thanks to some extra remotes that his grandmother had given us, Ethan FINALLY has that remote control he's coveted for so long. He's ecstatic!
  • We went to the park during a fluke of warm spring weather last weekend. Ethan got to play on the slide and swing. I'm pretty sure it was the most fun he's had in is whole life!!
  • Ethan not only thinks dogs are funny, but so are cat's! He met my co-workers 9 month old kitten this weekend and thought she was the funniest thing. Even let her touch her nose against his!
  • Last week Ethan started waving. At first this special talent was reserved only for the monkeys on his wall at bedtime, but now he more often waves when we say "hi" or "bye." The best waves, however, are still reserved for the monkeys.
  • Ethan's working on clapping. He's been working on clapping with his teacher at school. You have to be lucky to see it, but I finally got a glimpse today!
  • We're having as much fun as ever. I have soooo much new content for my blog Crafting Play. (yup, shameless plug--but we've all got to start somewhere!!)
At the top of the slide. "Here I come Daddy!!"
Doesn't he just look the cutest in that green?!! (Too bad you can't see the froggy eyes on the hood!)

I'm sure I'm missing some things, but that's the great thing about the "internets"--I'll just add them later! :)

Shark attack!

The two bottom front teeth have finally cut, and all of a sudden we have our baby back (plus two tiny pearly white nubs)!

Remember this commercial?

SHARK, SHARK, SHARK ATTACK! This shark is like a MANIAC. I told Ethan this morning that with his new teeth, he's a little shark. I promptly started singing the song to him, and realized that it fit! We call Ethan a maniac all the time! (you'd understand if you've ever seen his high energy climbing and playing--cue the music: "he's a maniac, maniac, on the floor....") But a darn adorable maniac shark at that!!

More fun moments?

Ethan tried to give his monkey (his BFF) his pacifier!! Put it right up to his mouth and everything.

We say goodnight to Ethan's monkeys on his wall every night. I've been showing him how to wave "bye bye" at them, and last night he did it, on cue, all by himself. :) He also waved bye-bye to his teacher today!

Ethan is pretty sure he should be able to stand by himself. He lets go of your hands, and pushes you off if you hold his waist. Slow down, you move too fast!!

Ethan has decided he LOVES lemons (and limes). Here he is chowing down all by himself!

More to come.....

Longest Winter- EVER

Every year it always seem like one winter is longer than the next. I wonder how long this winter feels to Ethan!? Anyway, we're dying for weather warm enough to spend time outside, and more importantly, rid our house of our horrible string of illness. For two weeks we've had a bit of a reprieve, but no more! Last night, after Ethan was to bed and Charlie was under bedroom arrest, I finally got the last month in photos organized, edited, and uploaded. So what comes next? A blog post of course!!

I could go on and on about Ethan. About how smart he is. About how physically advanced he is. About how crazy tall he is. But I won't. (although I make no promises for later posts)

This time, I am going to leave a few tidbits of some of my favorite things/moments. Oh, and did I mention that he is 7 MONTHS OLD!
  • Ethan will try and pull himself up on anything and anyone. Two weeks ago at school he pulled himself up on his friend Michael, who was significantly confused by the whole event.
  • Ethan wants to share with Mommy and Daddy. It started with Ethan trying to shove his pacifier in Daddy's mouth. He tried for a good 10 minutes or so. Last weekend he repeatedly fed me my necklace, and just this morning, was feeding me his stacking ring.
  • Ethan loves to play Where is Ethan?, especially with Daddy. He loves to pull the cloth off Daddy's head. Daddies can be so funny!
  • Ethan met my friends Eric and Dustin's dog Sanford last weekend. He thought he was funny...and eventually reached out his hand to pet him. He was then greeted by a wet doggie kiss on the hand! 
  • Music is fun. A new favorite is playing the bells, tambourine, and maracas. He loves them, especially when we all play together.

Ethan and I have also spent a good deal of time this month crafting together. After some suggestions that I should DO something with all the crafty things that we do, I finally started a blog. It's new in the works, but if you're looking for a sneak peek, check out: Crafting Play. If you're wondering about my bad blogging track record, refer to my first post (but look---here I am, still writing THIS blog--success!) Otherwise, check it out because, well, it's going to be fun. :) 

And can you believe it's already getting hits!