Ethan is ONE!

Ethan is ONE YEAR OLD! I can't believe it!!!

So what's it like to be a 1 yr old Ethan?


  • loves (and needs) to be busy-all-the-time! 
  • enjoys swimming and splashing in the water- swimming pool, baby pool, tub, or other!
  • likes his animals (especially monkeys) and makes some animals sounds "ooo-ooo-ooo" "moooooo"
  • loves to play "chase" and "peek"
  • can't get enough of checking himself out in the mirror
  • is referring to everything as THAT (except Cheerios- those are "Oh oh oh oh oh")
  • loves cars and trucks
  • likes to look though anything with a hole in it!
  • enjoys fingerpainting!!!
  • is a sorter--he likes to put things in containers and sometimes sorts them by type
  • goes to The Little Gym every Saturday morning to play and tumble-his favorite is jumping on the vault springboard and playing bubbles
  • is obsessed with climbing the stairs and can climb into the bathtub
  • really just likes to climb anything he can!
  • is starting to walk
  • is very into drinking water, especially out of a grown up water bottle
  • loves playing with his friends at school, especially Michael
  • really likes yogurt fruit drops, crackers, and cookies
  • loves his sandals. He wants to wear them all the time. They make him brave.
  • likes to look at books and read together
  • likes to play music and make noise (especially maracas)
  • really enjoys being upside down.
  • likes to watch Sesame Street before bed
  • wants attention from everyone when we're out in public
  • really enjoys swinging
  • has a lot of determination
  • wants to be like the big kids
  • likes to be silly
  • loves loves to be outside. Especially when the wind blows in his hair.

Welcome Summer!!

Time to dust the cobwebs off the old blog and get out an update! It's been a crazy ride....This is post that I started 6/27 and never finished. I'm going to post it as is and catch up on the "here and now" soon!

Ethan underwent a battery of tests, including an upper GI scan for his tummy problems. It was determined that he's having acid reflux, and the medication seems to be helping a lot! Back to less sick baby and a u-turn on his growth chart. He also got himself a nasty virus that had us at the ER once again at 2am. It was a rough few days, but together we moved though it.

I'm forever in awe of how much Ethan understands and does. His vocabulary is so large. The list of items that he can identify is very long. He can also say quite a few words. Of course, duck! His favorite right now is "That" (coupled with pointing). He spends a lot of time trying to communicate, and does a pretty good job of it!

We need to keep the little guy busy all the time. He's so incredibly active, it can be quite the challenge some days! We try to get to the pool now and then, or throw a kiddie pool on the back porch. We took a return trip to Port Discovery in Baltimore a few weekends ago (how fun to see how the exhibits have changed for him!). We're also taking gym classes at The Little Gym on Saturday mornings. He gets to play on all the gymnastics equipment, play and be active. It's a great activity for Ethan who loves to play with other kids (especially his friend from school, Michael!)