Summer Catch-Up..Here we go...

It seems so long since I've posted an update, and the further away the last post gets, the more I dread getting things caught up!

The last few months have been a wild ride. It of course all seemed to start with that pesky house fire that had our little family of three living in an even smaller hotel room for exactly two months. We of course have many blessings to count from the situation, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a huge thorn in the side! During this time we also had two weeks where all three of us were on antibiotics, and we had two visits to the ER (one for Daddy, one for Ethan). It's amazing what "living in public" can do to your immune system! Ethan had an ear infection, Charlie had Walking Pneumonia, and I had Bronchitis. It was during this time that we found out that Ethan is allergic to Amoxicillin (hence the middle of the night ER visit for his horrible itchy rash!) Definitely a point in time that I want to document, and then forget!

Now three months later, one month after being home, we're finally catching up on life.

We tried to make the most of our summer. We kept our weekends and Ethan busy, mostly doing "touristy" things in the local area. The summer, complete with an earthquake and nasty tropical storms/hurricanes, seemed to slip away from our grasps before we knew it.

Somewhere in there, Ethan also got his first haircut!!

And of course there is VACATION!! We were lucky to have a week vacation in the Outer Banks planned for September with my parents and Paul and Bobbie. It was a well needed (and deserved!) break. Ethan had a blast a the beach. He loved looking at the water and spent hours collecting shells. He's a fantastic shell collector, and we brought home a bunch of treasures including a sand dollar and a horseshoe crab shell! 

Ethan is now displaying his shells proudly in a hurricane vase in the living room. Ethan always really enjoyed splashing in the puddles in the sand. He definitely liked that better than sitting in the waves. Fun in the waves was hit or miss. 

We did other things while we were there too like climbing a lighthouse, petting a mustang, visiting the aquarium and the children's museum. And as is with any vacation, we ate!

Since we've been home from vacation, I think the highlight of Ethan's fall has been our trip to Dutch Wonderland. Our little daredevil loved riding all by himself, and he especially loved riding The Whip!!! 

So that brings us to now...with a toddler who is getting bigger and smarter by the minute! But now that we're "caught up," that's for the next post!