Look out world! I'm on the move!!

My absolute favorite photo of Ethan at the moment. It captures him perfectly!

March ended with a fantastic trip for three to Baltimore's Inner harbor. It was Ethan's first "vacation," where we spent the night out of town in a hotel (just one night this time!) Although the trip was for our wedding anniversary, the weekend was geared towards Ethan and fulfilled his new found crawling habit. We visited the baby rooms at the Maryland Science Center and Port Discovery where Ethan could let loose and play in some well crafted baby play areas. Can you tell that Ethan enjoyed himself?!?
Smile popping off Ethan's face!
Since then, things have been a little less exciting as once again we've been trying to recover from a pesky stomach bug. It's been quite the ride....

A wet baby in his adorable frog suit--reminds me of frog Mario....
Ethan recently started baby swim lessons. We've had two so far. Week one, my curious Ethan decided to find out what happens when you shove your face into the water when you're supposed to be blowing bubbles! He had fun, but was a little intimidated by the water. Week two-Ethan falls in love with the pool. He had such a great time slapping the surface of the water with all his might. He also worked on reaching across the water to grab his rubber ducky. Lots of fun! Oh- and licking the water...that's fun too!

I've been keeping busy trying to find baby appropriate activities for us to fill our summer. Gotta keep this busy little boy--well, busy!! It's been a bit of a challenge. So far we're signed up for a few events at the library and have joined The Little Gym and signed up for classes. The gym is going to be perfect for Ethan. Last week at daycare he climbed to the top of a soft play mat structure, looked at his teacher, and jumped off. He looked at her proudly when he reached the floor. He loves climbing on the mats so much. Yesterday his teacher set a box at the top of the little mat stairs. In the meantime, Ethan crawled over and started crying because he owns the mat, and his stairs were blocked! Also, when you hold him, he is constantly trying to climb. Recently, I quickly found myself holding Ethan as he stood on my shoulders. I'm still not quite sure how he got there. Long story short, he's going to have a great summer!

Ethan and his Uncle Keith bond over their matching O's hats
Otherwise, most of our time is spent chasing our little man speed around the house. Although he's usually pretty good at entertaining himself, much of that entertainment includes pulling up (and down) on tables and otherwise getting himself into baby mischief. Every few minutes he pauses and claps--so proud of his new clapping skills. :) He says da-da-da all the time. I'm working with him to say "duck." I think he's almost there...Daddy says I'm crazy. And of course, we're still crafting....!!!