Ethan is officially no longer a "newborn." Wow. Time went so quickly, but it's already hard to remember how little he once was! Daddy talks about how he misses "that baby from the hospital," but it's so fun to watch him grow and develop. Of course, we are overwhelmed with pride for every little thing he does.
Last week I started back to work. It's always a hard decision to go back, but I know ultimately that it's the right one for everyone. My first week went rather smoothly. Ethan was sleeping at night, and my days were well planned and went smoothly. This week has been a bit of a different story. I partly blame the time change for getting him all out of whack, but Ethan has started waking up at night again. I've been exhausted, but still happy to be back to using my brain again. It's just so easy to knock the whole house of cards down. As the week is coming to a close, sleep is moving back to normal, and I couldn't be happier!
In more exciting news, our curious Ethan is so delightful. I can't explain enough how much he loves to play. He continues to be so curious and energetic. It can be hard to keep him constantly entertained, but luckily he just absolutely loves those toys....and have I mentioned he loves the TV (especially when football is on)! He is most excited about faces. He's becoming more and more chatty. He babbles quite a bit. He squeals with delight, and screams in frustration. If it has a happy face, he's ready to talk. This video is his monkey talk.
Ethan discovering his toes. He loves to grab them! |
ETHAN LOVES STANDING! Really. Nothing makes him constantly happier. He does such a great job too. Just hold his arms and watch him go |
I go away for one minute and he rolls over to watch TV. He can find it anywhere. I'm pretty certain he learned to roll over just so he could get a better view of the television. |
The little guy playing in the gym. His legs are always kicking through the air, and he grabs everything in sight. |
The holidays are right around the corner, and we tagged our Christmas tree last weekend. Ethan's daddy makes sure that we go early in the season so Mommy doesn't drag him out in the cold for hours to find the perfect Frasier Fur. We also have Ethan's Christmas list just about complete. By Christmas, he will be just about ready for all those super fun 6 month old toys. They look like so much fun. I can't wait to try them all out....I mean, watch Ethan play with them. Regardless, I look forward to it!! :)
Can't wait to trim the tree! |
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