
Tomorrow the third trimester officially begins. I'd like to be able to say "Wow! Where did the time go?!?" I'm pretty sure, however, that it feels like exactly 6 months has transpired.

I thought now might be an appropriate time to make note of a few of babies' "milestones" thus far.

At 11wks, 5 days we had an "urgent" ultrasound. At our appointment that day, the midwife couldn't find a heartbeat with the Doppler. Although it wasn't cause for panic, they wanted to do the ultrasound right away to check things out. Charlie would tell you that the baby was stubborn "like it's mother." Can you feel the love? The ultrasound looked great, and we were able to leave our appointment with a surprise look at things to come.

Baby kicking was apparent at exactly 18wks. I never felt that "fluttering" feeling. Instead, we went straight to kicks with the same intensity as a bagged goldfish swimming into the side of the bag.

Somewhere between 19 and 20weeks, a hand on the stomach could feel the kicks (with a little patience).

Our big ultrasound was at 20 weeks and 4 days. Everything looked great, and we found out "it" was a healthy baby boy.  We were pretty happy to know the proper pronoun to use!  He was squirming like crazy during the ultrasound and at one point kicked hard enough to make the whole ultrasound scan move.

By 22 weeks, it was clear just from belly watching that this baby boy was on the move.  At our 24 week appointment, the midwife was using the Doppler and asked if he had been moving.  Right on cue, he kicked her.  It was at that moment that we determined that he just might be a genius ;)

At this stage in the game, he is constantly active. Two nights ago he started moving with quite some strength at 3am, and I never really felt him rest until after 10pm that evening. Our little monkey is on the move!


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