At 15 months (continued)

Continued from the previous post.... :)

One of my favorite things about Ethan right now is how genuine he is! He does this thing that we call a head "bump." Literally it's just that. He'll walk up to you and bump his forehead against yours. We're not exactly sure where he came up with it, but it's his version of a hug, and quite endearing. My favorite is when he's excited to see his friends at school and he walks up to each and every one of them and gives them a "bump." It's especially adorable when he "bumps" the infants! (Occasionally he gives a hug, but he "bump" is his "signature move"). He really enjoys his friends, and he doesn't like to see anyone sad. If one of his friends is crying, it's not unusual to see him walk over to them and smile to try and cheer them up. Last week his friend baby Abby was crying and he went and got her a few toys and brought them over to her. Good kiddo!

Happiness found in a fall leaf!
And of course, we all love to be silly and play together. Daddy and Ethan fly around the living room like helicopters and airplanes.  We all play Elefun or play with the Little People Farms which are distributed with all the animals and farmers across our coffee table.  We play Speedway and trucks.  We put together a lot of puzzles. Mommy drags Ethan outside to sled in the snow (Can you believe we had snow before Halloween?! Time to make use of our hill!) and to rake and play in the leaves. Mommy and Ethan still like to craft, paint, and color. In fact, we've had a few tears shed when Ethan has sighted the paint at inopportune times. 

In our day to day lives, we're successfully bottle free! Yipee!! Sleep is another story, although we're making forward strides (minus the mess this crazy time change has turned bedtime into!) And we're up to 12 teeth! TWELVE! Ethan's knuckles are starting to look a bit rough from biting on his fingers to ease teething pain. In October we had our first school Open House, and Ethan had his first school photos taken. I can't believe I've been back to work for over a year, and Ethan is beginning to creep in on one year at daycare!

So I think that's a rather complete recap from the last few months!
The next post will be about Ethan's surgery, but that warrants it's own post!

Instead, I'll end on a funny story. This weekend I'm sitting on the couch. Ethan comes walking across the living room holding his arm high in the air. I think I see a spider dangling from a web hanging from his hand. No, it can't be. Next thing I know, Ethan places the object in question next to my feet on the carpet and proudly declares "BUG!" It is indeed a live spider. Nice Ethan, nice. :)


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