The Latest

Last Friday, we packed Ethan in the car, and headed to the Dupont Children's Hospital in DE.  We were seeing an Allergy Immunologist specialist at one of the country's leading Children's Hospitals to try and determine what exactly happened to Ethan the week before.  We were there for three hours.  The diagnosis?  Well, there still isn't one.  They took more blood, and are reviewing his case study this week as a full team, but it appears as though this one might just remain a mystery.  At this point, we have a follow up appointment in December.  Ethan  however, is doing fine, and is completely back to normal.

What else is happening in the world of Ethan?  Well, he's finding himself much more entertained by his toys and for longer periods of time.  He still loves playing with the toys on his chair.  He likes his baby gym and his mobile.  He still LOVES the bathtub.  We have to be really careful because he hops around so much!  He actually cries when we take him out.

On Sunday, Ethan went with Grandpa and I to see and Ansel Adams, The Early Works, exhibit at Lebanon Valley College.  Ethan wasn't really in the mood to be there, but at least we can refer to him as cultured now! He even wore his special shirt for the occasion!!


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