Hail to the Glue Gun

This is the most recent addition to the nursery walls.  In true fashion of the nursery, it's the result of another crafty project.  This one was super easy and took maybe 15minutes to complete.  The wooden animals I got at Michael's for $1 each.  They're already painted and everything (and in some places they are fuzzy felt).  I hot glued them to the ribbon (Hot glue really is amazing), and looped and glued the ribbon around a D shaped ring.  The most expensive part of the project was the ring.  It came in a pack of 4 for $3.  Of course, I only needed one.  I'm sure I could have hunted to find something more inexpensive, but sometimes it's better to just cut my losses.  (a keychain loop would work just fine too, and often free--the ribbon does hang better on the D though!)  It hangs on an alphabet hook with Baby's first initial (although that little tidbit of information we're not giving away!).  The hook was also from Michael's, and cost one whole dollar.  Why do I keep mentioning the price?  Well, I think its interesting for one thing.  Also, there is absolutely no reason why you can't have a great looking nursery without paying the expensive price tags that are on baby items.  Some items like this even take zero skill.

Our checkup went well this week (33 weeks!).  I asked the midwife to estimate the size of the baby.  She took her best guess and estimated him to be about 4lbs.  My fundal height is starting to measure on the small size, but well inside the normal range.  Insert sigh of relief for not having a big baby here.  My blood pressure has been a bit high though, so I need to seriously work on relaxing a bit!


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