The Home Stretch

Tomorrow officially begins month 9.  Crazy right?  In one week, the baby will officially be considered full term.  We're in the home stretch now!  So what's been happening in the world of baby?  Well, baby still looks great.  Last week he had a major growth spurt and is now back to measuring average size.  My blood pressure has gone back to "normal."  Phew!!  In the last week I've also begun to experience (and see) pointy baby elbows.  He's really figured out how to throw them around!

In my world, I'm finally feeling more prepared as I finish getting the nursery ready.  Last weekend, I was also treated to a surprise prenatal massage by Julie, Liz and Karen for my 30th birthday.  What a great time, and a great relief from those pesky pregnancy aches and pains.  Here's a photo we took en route to lunch.  Of course, the baby is hamming it up already!


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