Growing like a Weed

Bye Bye little monkey jammie-jams!
Week three started on Sunday, and by Sunday night, had completely turned our little worlds upside down. What happened to our sleeping baby?  We were had been doing so well!  Not only was he not sleeping, but he was screaming inconsolably with a new found vigor and was feeding constantly.  Although Sunday night was truly the worst, the sleepless episodes lasted for the entire first half of the week.  Apparently we had hit ourselves a growth spurt speed bump.  Little did we know that such a thing would turn our week upside down.  Low and behold, Ethan's footie jammies fit him on Tuesday night, and on Wednesday night, they were too short!  It's really amazing how big he's gotten already.  He's definitely starting to fill out those cheeks, but most of all, those legs and torso just keep getting longer!

"I hear, the secrets that you keep...when you're talking in your sleep"
The third week also marked the beginning of Ethan's stay in the nursery.  Turns out, he's quite the vocal sleeper! In an effort to better our parental zzzz's, it was goodbye bassinet, hello crib.  Ultimately, it works out best for all of us, and we were able to reclaim our dresser back from its temporary state of makeshift changing table.  Charlie also started giving Ethan a bottle during one nighttime feeding each night.  Although the system isn't without flaw, it's so refreshing to hear the cries, and keep on sleeping!  Thanks Daddy!!

This week I was also allowed to start driving again.  Ethan and I have taken full advantage and have gotten out to walk or run a few small errands during the day.  Turns out, even on a rough day, Ethan will fall asleep as soon as he's situated his car seat or stroller.  He tends to spend the better part of his afternoons fighting nodding off, so these naps are greatly appreciated.  It's also great for my mental health to get out and around for a brief bit each day.  Who knew that just walking around Target could be so relaxing?!?

And as the week draws to a close, we bid farewell to our first 300 newborn diapers.  Yikes!!


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