In August and Everything After....

Well, not only is it officially August, but the countdown on my iGoogle page says 5 hrs 12 minutes.  If only mother nature was that predictable!  Regardless, week 39 is almost past.  It started with some major thunderstorms that knocked out the power at work, leaving me with a surprise day off on Monday.  Tuesday finished out my time at work for the next 3 months.  The remainder of the week I was on "vacation."  Spent a good three days with some time relaxing poolside (oh, and acquiring a bit of a sunburn).  Friday the weather was amazing.  Sunny, "cool," and not humid.  Charlie and I took advantage of the weather and went mini-golfing.  Yup, I can still win even when I can't see my toes!  That's really been my last big "outing."  As a matter of fact, I've hit quite the slowdown and have decided that I didn't really want to leave the house this weekend.  Yes, I've spent a good bit of time this week just sitting around...and I'm ok with that!

PS-These photos were taken by my friend Jane last Sunday.  Sunday was the same day as the major thunderstorms, so we spend some of our time shooting in the rain as the storms finished.  The upside was that it was relatively cool, and the rain felt amazing.  It was also just really nice to be outside comfortably after all the hot weather we've been having.  Also, I really do like the raindrops and the extra ambiance that the rain provided!


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