Tipping the Scale

Today I decided to try and find out just how much Ethan weighs.  I started by setting him up with his own Mii on the Wii.  Using the Wii Fit, I set him up with his own account, and watched his Mii shrink into a little baby when I entered his date of birth.  Turns out we're up to 9.5 lbs!! What a big growing boy!  Definitely not the same baby that we brought home from the hospital three and a half weeks ago!  I'm really curious to measure him too, but that's a project for another day...

Today the two of us went to the mall to get Ethan some new pajamas.  Ethan willing, I think we just may start going though all his clothing tomorrow....
I also got brave and stepped on the scale myself today.  They say that if you're carrying a boy you gain more weight through out your pregnancy.  Despite keeping up a moderate activity level most of my pregnancy, I gained 44 lbs!  Compare that to the average weight gain for pregnancy being 25-30 lbs.  Regardless, today I was delighted to see I have already dropped 26 of those pesky lbs!  That leaves 18 lbs to go...17 of which I have dropped before.  Guess those walks in the park are doing more than just calming a fussy baby!


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