Well Baby

This morning was Ethan's one month well baby check-up.  The doctor said he's looking really good!  (Of course, we already knew that!)  He weighed in at 10 lbs 6.1oz (75th percentile), is 22 3/4 in long (50th percentile) and his head circumference is 37.7 (25th percentile--sorry kiddo, looks like you may have issues with hats just like Mommy--maybe that's why none of your hats fit yet!)

As for me, I'm doing really well.  Some of my steri-strips are starting to fall off my incision!!  (Yes!  The end of drying them with the blow dryer is near!)  I'm feeling less and less issue with mobility (to the point were sometimes I have to really remind myself to be careful).  I can walk much further than I could before, even with Ethan in a front carrier (gotta get trained for the fair season!).  I'm taking the stairs as needed, but I try and minimize useless trips.  I'm having a hard time with clothing and hope that passes soon!  Next week is my appointment with the doctor who performed the surgery for what should be my final checkup.  My story for the week is that I escaped on my own while Charlie watched Ethan for a quick trip to Old Navy.  I got a few things for me, and a Halloween pumpkin onesie for the kiddo.  When I got to the checkout the girl says to me "Are you having your baby before Halloween?"  Well, I think you look like you're twelve.

Of course, football season started last night.  The first Steelers game is on Sunday, and Ethan is already getting ready!

Mommy's Football All-Star.  How adorable is that sweatshirt?!  Gotta love Carter's!
What a little peanut!
Mom, are you done with these photos yet or what?


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